Monday, December 19, 2011

nativity: (noun) birth or origin

The Nativity Scene Charles Poerson

I almost got too wrapped up in Christmas to remember what it is really about. Yesterday, friends & I were going down the road and one recalled his father always making them pray riiiiight as they dove into gift piles. "It's not our day," he would remind them.

With that being said, I have so much to thank Him for:
family who love me, friends who don't give up on me, a love that endures, a great roommate, a job, a car that only messes up sometimes, hot apple cider (that I am currently sipping), unconditionally loving pets, brand new bedding that I miss all day long, 2nd chances, 3rd chances, 4th chances... You get the hint. These things only top the list- there are many more.

Goodnight to all, and to all a good night. May God bless you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

crayons and glue sticks and paper, oh my!

I just started my new job at a middle school. In my heart, I wanted a high school position. After a summer of reluctance and questions and fear, it is turning out to be not so bad. I am actually liking it... a lot! The Language Arts curriculum is split between LA classes and Reading classes- that is the part I am struggling with most. It is just so natural for me to tie it all together, so splitting it is somewhat difficult. However, I made a promise to myself and to the children I will be teaching to still put my entire heart into what I do and to be the very best teacher possible to them.

Coming soon: Pictures of my new classroom!